[Own Your Life] How to Shift Negativity Quickly

Dear Difference Maker,

Last week we investigated how your attitude, prejudices and fears about people can be instantly transformed when you set an intention to experience a more peaceful and productive relationship with them, because both they and you will feel the effects immediately.   We learned that…

I’ve been writing and speaking for over 25 years about the thinking technology people must be willing to learn in order to heal their hearts, minds and spirits.

You cannot continue to condemn, judge and label someone and have a harmonious outcome. If this has been problematic for you, I trust that today’s blog will help you as much as this information has helped me.

Reaching out …
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How Not to Let Negative People Ruin Things!
Excerpt from Connecting with Colors: Synergize Your Life Self-Paced Course 

To this day, my heart and spirit drop a little bit energetically, every time I see quotes on the Internet about running away from negative people as fast as you can as if avoidance has ever worked in improving situations. I’m all for a needed time-out but abandoning a situation hoping it will just fix itself is not an effective tactic.

Judging people is de-energizing to you first and foremost.  Justifying your engagement in such a wasteful use of mind, body, spirit power is not going to ever improve the circumstances of your life.

We are a society that is quick to judge, condemn, label as if that actually elevates our self worth.  In universal reality, it only brings back to us what we just put out there “at” others.

Seek first to understand, and then to be understood… a well known quote from Stephen Covey, which may have been inspired from the Prayer of Saint Francis which contains these words:

What I can see you understanding about the past few weeks’ messages is that you are most definitely participating in the negativity and hurtful, harmful behaviors of others, coming your way.  AND “pushing against” with your fear, resistance, judgment and recriminations will only get you more of the same.

As you decide to be proactive about your life, and intentionally set about neutralizing your thoughts (P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E) you neutralize your energy, and your energy WILL illicit an improved response AS you keep at it and don’t keep score too soon.

LOVE & judge

Let’s fast forward to that situation where we are once again triggered by someone who is being extremely negative and injecting themselves into our space and therefore our experience.

I have one more illustration of Muscle testing that I want you to perform with your group after you have read exactly how I do it with a live audience.

In order to do the next segment of energy sending, energy receiving in my live performances, I bring up two people and have one person stand behind the other person.

The person who stands behind is going to do the thinking.  I don’t give any directions to the person who stands in front other than I will tell them when to extend the arm for me to test.

Taking the person who is standing in back, I will give them a piece of paper to read explaining the secret code I am going to use to signal what kind of thoughts I want them to think.

Using one finger or two fingers, I indicate when and what I want the person standing behind to think one of two responses.

Watch what happens next!

It’s extremely important to understand exactly why you can never have an attitude and keep it a secret and why this energy illustration is important.

Yes, I am boldly recommending that in order to own your life, you must get deliberate about your intentions to affect, enhance and heal problematic people and situations in your world energetically.

The effects are as immediate as shown in this video.

You are affecting the energy of people each and every time you bless them, love them and set an intention that the two of you align and find harmony together.

It does not matter how impossible you previously believed a person to be.

When you make a decision, set an intention – i.e., envision alignment –  stuff starts to happen between the two of you that has not occurred before.

You are, in fact, affecting the electromagnetic field between you and initiating within a field of possible futures a new and different, desired outcome.

You, like the sugar, will be transformed
and those next or near to you will experience this change energetically.

You must understand that whatever you decide for is going to have an effect energetically on this situation.

You can most certainly pray that your intentions be intuitively guided through this alignment process.  Know this: you are always sending deliberate, intentional energetic communication to the people you are concerned about or upset with.  So why not decide to suspend judgment so you can be a peaceful presence!?

When we go for the highest intention:  P-E-A-C-E, love, joy, harmony and good will – we are essentially blessing people and situations in our lives.  It will be felt, energetically.

And as with the initial negative energy of the sugar, the negative in them and in you becomes transformed immediately.  P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E …

While I absolutely DO NOT recommend going into a mediation pose during a meeting meltdown (doing this would be highly inflammatory to those who are upset) …

I DO RECOMMEND is keeping your eyes open and engaged WHILE mentally spelling P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E as long as it takes for people to begin to feel your P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E,  P-E-A-C-E and start running out of their own steam.  NOT pushing back actually wears people out of whatever they think they are fighting for.

There is nothing stopping us from blessing the people in our world at any given moment of any day. There is nothing stopping us from having a dramatic affect on our world with all those we know, meet or whose lives we touch.

It’s all just energy, and we have dominion over our world.  Which means, we can initiate and affect change any moment we choose.

The Implications for a PEACEFUL Existence

It does not mean to be in a place where there is
no noise, trouble or hard work.
It means, to be in the midst of those things,
and still be calm in your heart.

– Unknown Author

There appear to be endless scientific and medical research studies, as well as various spiritual interpretations, all suggesting that we have an incredible capacity to affect our world.

As I mentioned earlier, we do not necessarily need anyone else to make stuff happen, and yet, because of our current mental equivalents — mindsets — we can continue to remain right where we are.

I have illustrated to you as many ways as were beneficial for me to get my mind around the importance of not doing it all alone.

We are humans, and it’s natural for us to need help and to need and want companionship and support when certain situations seem bigger than us.

It is even more powerful when you ask another to SEE with you a peaceful resolution to what’s been troubling you, i.e., “When two or more people are gathered together with an objective or goal, Infinite Intelligence – God – is instantly present and available to give you what you’ve asked for that is for the highest and best for every one concerned.”

“For where two or three are gathered in my name,
there am I among them.”

Matthew 18:20

The argument I am building is that you know unequivocally that when you ask for someone else to see, believe and pray with and for you, that things are going to happen!

Everything I am sharing with you is biblically based, scripturally sound and scientifically being observed more and more.

These things, in combination with science, physiology and other aligned spiritual writings, have been incredibly powerful resources for me, not only to want to seek support, but to be conscientious and mindful about the implications of each and every request I am making.

Is today the day you really grab hold of your life and own it!?

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important people in your life starting Today!



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