STS The Signature Talk Generator

The Signature Talk Generator

I. Introduction/ Positioning

1. Position Yourself

Create Vulnerability and Credibility through your story.

2. Position Your Audience

Show them they are in the right place.

3. Position Your Topic/ Transformation

What is possible from doing your work? Grab ’em!

4. Position Your Talk

What will they learn today?

Give an outcome-laden overview of what points you’re going to cover. Get them excited!

  • “How you can develop your own xyz”
  • “How to turn today’s immediately useful information into lasting transformation”
  • “Taking it further with training, tools and support”

5. Position Your Offer

Create Partnership from the Start:

“I will teach you as much as I can in the limited time that we have together and then I promise to show you how you can take it further/ get more.”

Ask them to hold questions until you’re finished so you can get on a roll and give them as much as you possibly can.

* Required

*NOTE: Once you submit your responses, you will not be able to go back and edit. We suggest you make edits to the email that will be sent to you.


-> Be sure to Submit your responses before you move on!


II. Body Template

6. Develop 3 Main Points using Lisa’s NEW Deep Dish and Sample Platter Combo Model

  • Provide a Solution by going Deep Dish on one point from your Unique Branded System (UBS) and then, for your transition, run through your UBS using the Sample Platter Model to outline the steps to solve the bigger problem they still have.
  • Develop social proof with case studies.
  • Create hunger and desire for your upcoming offer by seeding throughout.

Point 1: What it is (Flesh it out so they know what you’re talking about.)
Point 2: Why it matters (Position it. Show the problem. Develop the plan.)
Point 3: Teaching Points (This is where you go Deep Dish. Yes, teach them “How!”)
Transition Bullet (See #7)


* Weave in case studies and seed throughout.

*NOTE: Once you submit your responses, you will not be able to go back and edit. We suggest you make edits to the email that will be sent to you.

-> Be sure to Submit your responses before you move on!

III. Transition to Your Offer

7. Segue into the offer with Transition Bullet (The Plan)

  • “How you can develop your own xyz”
  • “How to turn today’s immediately useful information into lasting transformation”
  • “Taking it further with training, tools and support”

8. Distribute “Summary Sheet”

After your transition, you tell them that in a few minutes you’ll give them a summary of the steps you’re about to cover, but you want them to listen as you walk them through it first. You can say that these are the steps they will need to take to get the results that are possible, whether they do it alone or with you. You’ll tell them how they can do it with you shortly. Walk them via Sample Platter through the steps of your UBS so they can see how they can take it further or develop their own XYZ.

Then you ask if they’d like the Summary Sheet, and voila! Your audience is begging for your order form!

  • Print in 2 or 3 part NCR
  • Make sure it’s super clear and uncluttered
  • Pre-collate for quick distribution

Of course, you let them know after you pass it out that this sheet includes a summary of the steps you just covered and is also the offer to join you in your upcoming program and that you are going to take a minute to show them how it works.

9. Walk through Summary Sheet and make your offer clearly

Focus 80% on the outcome/ transformation

Focus 20% on the details of the Service Delivery
Develop value for the bonuses (Reverse Seed)
Be clear about the limiters (Time: Today Only/ Quantity: First X# of people)
Justify the Special “Today Only” Offer

Why is there a special offer (discount or bonus) today only?

  • Fast Action Scholarship to acknowledge people who take decisive action
  • To acknowledge the investment that the people in the room have already made
  • Because they are a client of the host and you take special care of the host’s clients
Help them Justify the investment

How will this pay me back in time, money, energy, peace of mind, fulfillment, etc…?

  • What would one new referral partner who sent you one new client a month be worth to you?
  • Imagine having the energy to coach your kid’s soccer team after working all day
  • How much could you save in vet bills if you could understand what your dog is trying to tell you? Not to mention chewed furniture and the fights you’re having with your spouse over all of it.

10. Handle the Top 3 Barriers to Buying

This is where you address the top objections that you know will come up by saying, “Let me answer the top 3 questions I always get, and then if you have further questions, I’ll stick around for a few minutes.”

Ask yourself, what are the top 3 reasons people don’t invest in your offer? Finish the sentence, “But, what if…”
Examples: It’s bad timing. I’m too busy. I don’t have the money. I don’t trust myself to do the work. I’m just getting started. I’m not sure it will work for me.

– But Lisa, what if the timing’s not good? I’m too busy.
Great news! All the classes are recorded and transcribed so you can catch up at your convenience, plus you can email your questions in so if you miss a class, you can still get them answered!

-But Lisa, what if I’m just getting started and don’t have a big network?
This is the perfect way to build your network. And that’s the first thing you want to do when you’re just starting. So many people spin their wheels and waste tons of time and money because they miss this critical step early on. (Show one example of tell a story of someone who was just getting started and had great results.)

-But Lisa, what if I don’t trust myself to do the work?
If you can’t trust yourself to pick up the phone once a week and follow my instructions as I show you exactly how to XYZ, it’s best if you don’t do this program. But if you’re ready to have a breakthrough in this area and this is calling to you, we welcome you.


11. Invite them to Step Up

  • Show them exactly where to take the order forms
  • Say something brief and inspiring from your heart
  • Invite them to meet you at your back table to get registered and be one of the first to get the special bonus for the first X people. You will be there for a few minutes to “answer any questions they need answered to be able to join you in your upcoming offer.”

12. Don’t Tame the Tension!

No sharing, no questions, no exercises, no additional handouts during your Speak-to-Sell Signature Talk. (Yes, there are always exceptions, but this applies to 90% of you!)

The Herculean Challenge: Always end a few minutes early!

*NOTE: Once you submit your responses, you will not be able to go back and edit. We suggest you make edits to the email that will be sent to you.

-> Be sure to Submit your responses before you move on!

IV. Did you include the 5 P’s?

1. Position

  • Yourself
  • Your Audience
  • Your Topic
  • Your Talk
  • Your Offer


  • Did I create enough of a gap so they can really experience the distance between where they are now and what’s possible for them?

3. Promise

  • Did you build promise and hope, so they are inspired about what’s possible and can see that with your offer it’s in reach?

4. Proof

  • Did you include plenty of social proof, case studies, testimonials, success stories so they can see that many people have succeeded with your offer and they can too?

5. Plan

  • Did you use a transition bullet to segue into the Going Forward plan?

V. Live Talk vs. Teleseminar Limiters

  • For a live talk use both a Today Only time limiter and a First X# of People quantity limiter
  • For a teleseminar use quantity only as many people will listen to a playback. you also have a longer sales cycle with teleseminars so if it’s your own launch call, you can include disappearing payment plans, early bird pricing, etc. (See Lisa’s 6-Figure Teleseminar Secrets product for a step-by-step teleseminar launch plan.)