[Own Your Life] Got Dreams?

Dear Difference Maker,

The Holiday Christmas Season is officially here: Childhood memories, wishes, hopes and dreams. Believing in the miracle of Christmas and the Joy of Christmas. Giving way to our desires and wishes that our dreams.

When you were little what did you dream of at Christmas time?

iStock credit: Artfoliophoto

When I was a little girl, I would curl up in my dad’s easy chair and sit by the Christmas tree to drink in the beautiful twinkling lights and dream of all the things in life I wished for, starting with wanting to feel loved.

Being a very active child, it was the one time I could just sit for hours and just dream.

Christmas brings with it wonderful spiritual rituals that renew and spark that wonderful feeling of believing in our most cherished dreams.

At this time of year, no matter what faith you practice, it seems that there is an increased desire for the abundance of all good things for every single person in the world. Caring about people everywhere is a most worthy intention, desire and feeling.

Our dreams are given to us, to make a difference while we are here. Christmas IS about making a difference so it makes sense that our dreams are valid and worth pursuing. What you want, wants you.

So go ahead, dream your dream.  You do not have to rush about to make things happen. Wait for inspiration and the action that follows is effortless and joyful. It pays to think good thoughts, take only inspired action and expect the best, most prosperous results!

All things whatsoever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them and you will have them…


My wish for you is that you truly relax, let go and EnJOY this time of year!  Take control of your life – OWN IT – and use every available resource to support yourself in staying focused, uplifted and calm.  Don’t spend one more year suffering through through the holidays.  Do everything in your power to make your life easier!

Reaching out …

mary 3

Christmas Dream’n Movie

play 2‘Take 5’ to revisit your dreams


3 Principles for Owning Your Dreams 
Excerpt from MasterMinding 101 Self-Paced Online Program for Dream Builders


Let’s take this time to recapture our tenderhearted hopes and dreams.
Sweet sweet belief, sweet expectation …

I am passionate about this topic, especially because we are ending one year and starting another within the month, and I see people freezing up on their dreams and goals every single day in their emails to me because they are faced with expanding – Next Level – opportunities in front of them.

When, out-of-the-blue, I was befriended by a multi-millionaire. Ralph was very compassionate with me, but he knew that the only way for me to create my own financial freedom was to learn to “think” differently about money. So even though I had no money and as a single mother I was scared out of my mind, he held firm and really believed in me.

Because he cared enough about my long term well-being he did not give me any money!  He did, however, sit with me and help me “think” about attitudinal energy and effort differently.  He taught me 3 very basic metaphysical principles he used to become a multi-millionaire:

1  Look myself in the mirror every morning and tell myself… “You are a success!”
2 Only do “what is in front of me to do,” and …
3  Utilize nature’s “less effort, more results” model of applying my gifts and talents to designing my dream and my next chapter life’s work.

Every time I learned something new and had a shift in my thinking … ideas, money and networking opportunities would arrive through various means.

In between our visits, I started to Own my Life and invested in books by Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Catherine Ponder and Florence Scoval Shinn.

Financial demands of every sort are but an indication that the time is right in the soul growth of mankind for us to raise our beliefs to a higher level. We are being forced to develop our inner powers to meet our outer needs. -Catherine Ponder

With every conversation with Ralph, and what I was learning about affirmations and my statements of intention, I began receiving (downloading) the “rich ideas” that as they unfolded, began generating the use of my gifts and talents that have now built the dreams we enjoy living each and every day.

In the spirit of the holiday season of dream’n our dreams, I’d like to share with you one of my favorite writings about just how important it is to keep our dreams alive and not leaving this earth with your music still in you … 


Children, Adults and Monopoly
Excerpt from Gifts by the Side of the Road by John Wayne “Jack” Schlatter

iStock credit: martince2

If one teaches long enough, one becomes a time traveler. Watching countless 12-year-olds trade in their young bodies for newer models called teenager, adult, husband, wife, parent, and now in some cases grandparent, causes the past, present and future to blend into one moment. This is both a painful and pleasurable experience. It makes you wonder why it was not arranged so that youth could know and age could live.

In Monopoly, once you take a turn around the board, you get to throw the dice again and take another trip and maybe rectify the mistakes you made the first time.

But in life, once you get to those blue squares of wisdom, you realize “excuses are the keys that open the door to failure,” “the only way to have a friend is to be one” and “there is no failure except for no longer trying.” Once you get to those “blue squares of wisdom” in real life, your “Go” has turned into a “Stop,” because you don’t get to go around again.

So, to all of you who are about to start your journey, I say: dress up your Barbies, but pay more attention to people than to dolls. Send your G.I. Joes into battle, but arm yourself with wisdom, not toy soldiers. Visit Oz, but don’t be fooled by fantasy, rather, develop your imagination. Wait for Santa, but remember that there is more joy in giving than receiving. Sing your songs of life loudly and strongly. Sing from your heart and spirit, not just your mind and mouth.

As I sit in this body that seems to be aging, I suddenly remember the words of a great teacher. “The body is only a temporary space suit for the soul.” Deep inside this soul I feel the stirring of a child who has lain sleeping for many years. “You know I’m not dead,” the child whispers. “I’ve just been hanging around waiting for you to rediscover me. With your new wisdom and my energy, I’ll bet you, if we played again, we could win.” And slowly that “Stop” turns into a “Go,” and I pick up the dice of life and throw them for one more turn.

Reasons or Results?

iStock credit: Popartic

One of the primary factors involved in following one’s dreams can be directly linked to the distraction of fear and anxiety about putting yourself out there for your dreams.

Both can discombobulate our mind’s ability to function, let alone how to take a hold of the opportunities that will present themselves and make stuff happen for the positive in our lives.

One way I’ve learned to deal with fear and anxiety is to start my day with my daily miracle writing with either a cup of Energy+Focus Coffee or FocusFusion Cocoa because both are infused the brain supportive herbs Bacopa Monnieri and Gotu Kola.  I intend to give myself every advantage I possibly can to put myself in a position to be responsive to how my dreams are unfolding in every area of my life.

It’s important to acknowledge that life takes more effort for someone who suffers from anxiety and depression. Thankfully, the success I have to share with you today can give us all hope for ourselves and/or our loved ones to free us up to live the dreams coming through us all to the fullest …

“I have suffered with depression and anxiety for nearly 5 years. It has always been a daily struggle to even get out of bed. I had no energy, feared the outside world and rarely ate. I soon developed anorexia too. Becoming pregnant helped me turn my anorexia around, but I still struggled to get through my day. I had little to no focus, terrible memory and a lack of energy.

Emma B

Two months ago, I changed my coffee to Energy+Mind. Now I am racing to get out the door each day even when it is raining. I run out of THINGS TO DO do each day rather than the ENERGY OR HOURS to get them done. My smile is real and I am enjoying life again, MEDICATION FREE. Best of all, instead of having an anxiety attack EVERY FEW DAYS, it has now been TWO MONTHS between attacks!  AND, I’m also losing the stubborn baby weight that I just couldn’t shed!” ~Emma B.

maryrr insight




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